Monday, February 03, 2020
The Sour Grapes Marathon
2015...Donald Trump announces his candidacy for president. It’s met with mocking laughter and ridicule.
Donald Trump goes on record that, if elected, he will enforce the country’s immigration laws and “build a wall” to insure safe and secure vetting of those who wish to enter the United States. His plan to embark upon a sane immigration policy is met with sneers that he’s a “racist.”
2016...Donald Trump is elected in accordance with the laws laid out in America’s constitution and the rules that both candidates understood prior to the election (including the use of the “Electoral College” as a means to insure a level playing field between states with large population centers and those of a more rural demographic — most of America will be fairly acknowledged rather than submit to the dictates of voters in California and New York). Immediately, a shocked leftist industrial complex goes into high gear using every phony argument at their disposal to reject the voters’ decision. Media, entertainers, and other elite snobs and control freaks insist and repeat that somehow, Trump’s win was illegitimate.
2017...Donald Trump is sworn in as the forty-fifth president of the United States. Many in America’s Democrat party and its leftist handmaidens in media call for the new president’s impeachment and removal from office before he has even acted on his promised agenda.
Trump immediately begins his term of office, enacting policies that are basically center-right and occasionally center-left (eg. prison reform, paid maternity leave, prescription drug price reform) in accordance with the values of past presidents of both parties. The left responds by concocting a conspiracy theory that Trump’s election succeeded through “collusion with Russia.” The intelligence and law enforcement agencies of the United States along with bureau-operative holdovers from the Obama administration actively “resist” the new president and seek to undermine him at every turn. The Democrats in congress continually block approval of those chosen by the new administration to operate the machinery of government.
An expensive, time-consuming effort by a special counsel is applied to actively investigate the president and his campaign, acting on a completely concocted charge by leftists that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. Associates of the campaign are strong-armed and fishing expeditions are directed against all manner of unrelated crimes and process crimes like perjury. After massive resources are applied to trying to bring down the president, accusations are proven to be totally unfounded. Still the deep state marches on with insistence that if they keep harassing the president they will find something to overturn the election. Propaganda arms continue making unfounded claims regarding Trump’s imaginary ties to Russia after years of thorough but unwarranted investigation.
The Trump economy surges. Unemployment is dramatically reduced, and trade deals are enacted that no longer favor benefit to other country’s over America’s own citizens. The manufacturing sector that the previous administration had told us was gone forever is reinvigorated making high-paying middle-class jobs available with rising wages. All of these positive developments occurred as the result of common sense economic policies of lower taxation and deregulation, motivated by consideration for America’s own citizens over subservience to unelected foreign institutions. The response? More accusations of “racism” and threats of impeachment.
Trump plods on, visiting foreign leaders, attending international meetings, and enacting new policies that favor the United States and seek to have it’s citizens treated fairly by international parasitic organizations. Yet daily, establishment government and cultural venues repeat wild and unfounded accusations, seeking to conjure a meme that Trump is authoritarian and autocratic — with absolutely zero actions that justify such claims. The establishment legacy media skews their news reporting with wall-to-wall negative coverage of Trump, his supporters, and his policies and minimizing exposure to his important achievements.
2019...Trump makes a banal congratulatory phone call to the newly elected leader of the Ukraine. He is aware that a score of people are listening in on the call. His comments are remarkably uncontroversial as he notes the corruption in the Ukraine that must be remedied. A reference is made to the fact that some have noted the Biden family’s corrupt activities in Ukraine. No “demand” is made and no actions or statements are made that could be considered “bribery.” Rules regarding “whistleblowers” are altered to accommodate those who lack first hand knowledge of an event and a “whistleblower” emerges who — coincidently — lacks first hand knowledge of Trump’s phone call. A group of Obama hold-overs and smug deep-state operatives work with California leftist representative Adam Schiff to blowup a mundane phone call into a major criminal act. Using stealth communication and completely unjust actions, the Democrats begin an investigation in the hopes of finally getting their impeachment. The scheming chairman of the intelligence committee reads a mock “transcript” of a totally fictionalized account of the call, virtually unrelated to anything said in the actual call (“ listen and listen good...I want dirt...don’t call me, I’ll call you...”). The president is given no opportunity for legal defense and testimony is hidden from Republican representatives and the public. One group in one party in one house of one branch of government successfully orchestrates an impeachment of the president on completely nebulous and unfounded charges.
For years, the Democrats had engaged in several underhanded attempts to “get dirt on Trump,” pay for dirt on Trump or even fabricate dirt on Trump, while enlisting foreign governments and the country’s intelligence apparatus to do so. Almost comically and with no sense of irony, they feign outrage over the thought that that Trump may have suggested investigation into actual corruption involving Joe Biden and his son (as if they are some pristine untouchable institution beyond scrutiny).
After partisan delays on the part of the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, the impeachment charge is sent to the senate. The senate then performs its function outlined in the constitution, to hold a “trial,” listen to the charges made by the House of Representatives, and then remove or acquit the president.
After presenting their flimsy “case,” the Democrats (not The House of Representatives but, specifically, the Democrats) fail to get the conviction they want. They continue to demand more witnesses after having had the opportunity to do so in their secret house investigation.
As usual, most arms of the media seek to spin events to imply that the president had actually done something wrong when he had done nothing. The president’s defense team is mocked and criticized by major media/propaganda sources while they heap praise on the Democrat’s inept emotional tirades. Meanwhile, actual crimes and corruption committed by the former vice president are swept under the rug and proclaimed “debunked” when in fact they had not been debunked at all and should be cause for concern by any honest observer.
Fast forward: In the election of 2020, Democrats and their facilitators continue to use every scheme possible to sway the results in their favor, while social media giants eliminate access to pro-Trump voices through concerted censorship and manipulation of search engine results. The slightest misstep by the Trump team is magnified and covered for days by a corrupt media.
November 2020...Donald Trump is reelected by a wide margin by both the electoral and popular vote, even though substantial votes are made for Democrats by those unregistered to vote and by schemes to manipulate electoral college votes (as had occurred in the 2016 election). Immediately, the left goes into high gear, insisting that Russia again supposedly was behind Trump’s win. He is again declared “illegitimate” and the Democrats and their media mouthpieces foretell a dark night of “fascism” while the Democrats’ communist shock troops raise their mobs (Antifa) and rally in the streets fomenting violence and destruction of property.
The country’s divisions and upheaval are attributed to Donald Trump’s “divisiveness” when in fact, he merely ran for president on a platform of favoring the success of American citizens and won because a majority of citizens held just skepticism toward the establishment power-players of Washington.
January 2021...Donald Trump is sworn in for his second term. The left goes ballistic. Any just response to the violence committed by communist street thugs is reported as an authoritarian “crackdown” on “peaceful protestors.”
The end...chaos. The left wants the socialist revolution promised to it by decades of globalist socialist schemers from Woodrow Wilson to George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. They demand authority over every citizen’s life to direct where they live, how they live, what they think, and how their children are raised. Non-compliance will result in severe punishment.
“The end” is of course speculative. Anything can happen. One thing is certain, the constitution can no longer be used effectively to secure the rights of citizens and the sound operation of government. The founding document can only be effective when there is a consensus of respect for its clear directives. Thanks to college professors, entertainers, classroom teachers, and the usual elitist control freaks that perennially erupt in history, respect for reason and the genius of limited government has been long cast aside. Too bad...for everyone.